Comprehensive ‘Bridging the Gap’ Offering
RTC’s ‘Bridging The Gap’ (BTG) Comprehensive offering is our most popular offering with CFO’s. The goal of these engagements is to utilize RTC’s expertise, relationships & intellectual property in software, hardware & contract management to drive savings for the organization. During these engagements, we help our clients to procure the best technology in the most cost effective way. We do this by utilizing our knowledgeable, experienced consultants. We offer these engagements as a flat fee, project based or on a semi-contingent basis.

Methodology Around BTG Offering
RTC looks at IT spend in a different way. If you truly want to drive down spend while decreasing risk/exposure – then you have to constantly manage all of the moving parts on a regular basis. This can get out of control with the ever-changing complexities of software licensing and the disconnect between IT and Purchasing. RTC broke down the process to three distinct categories and incorporates all of the below items in tandem to significantly drive down spend across the board.

Internal Technology Optimization

Sourcing Costs Savings – with Resellers, Manufacturers & distribution.

Protective/Preventative Measures – Risk Mitigation